Looks like your garden-variety list of achievements at first glance:  completing campaign objectives, find X amount of item Y, kill a set number of soldiers at once, and finish every story chapter on the hardest difficulty.  But if you read the whole list, you’ll notice something unusual:  there are absolutely no multiplayer achievements.  Infinity Ward, despite the excitement generated by this game’s MP potential, have decided to restrict multiplayer achievements to camouflage styles, weapon attachments, and other in-game rewards.  I, for one, love the decision.


I think multiplayer achievements ruin more team-based matches than lag.  Restricting MP achievements to ranked matches is a noble but insufficient effort.  I enjoy achievements, but not at the expense of teamwork.  I’ll use the right weapon for the job, not the one that has yet to increase my gamerscore, and too many people are guilty of this selfishness while a team is trying to capture a flag or plant a bomb.  Kudos to Infinity Ward for making this move.

Also a source: Xbox360Rally

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